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Can I swim with my ostomy?
Can you swim with an ostomy? Read on for some great tips to help you get back out there and enjoying swimming with your ostomy.
Can I swim with my ostomy?
Can you swim with an ostomy? Read on for some great tips to help you get back out there and enjoying swimming with your ostomy.
Let’s talk belly bands…
What’s a belly band and how can it help? Find out more about whether you can benefit from a belly band and which are the best ones right here.
Let’s talk belly bands…
What’s a belly band and how can it help? Find out more about whether you can benefit from a belly band and which are the best ones right here.
Do Hernia Belts really work?
Does a hernia belt really help? My answer, in a word, would be, YES! It is likely a hernia belt will help support your abdominal muscles to prevent a hernia...
Do Hernia Belts really work?
Does a hernia belt really help? My answer, in a word, would be, YES! It is likely a hernia belt will help support your abdominal muscles to prevent a hernia...
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